Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Running with the bulls... or not.

I woke up in Zubiri on Monday morning and felt like I had been hit by a semi-truck that threw me into the path of an oncoming train.  I guess sleeping on the cement floor will do that to you.  But hey... at least we had a roof over our heads and somewhere to shower.  Everything happens for a reason.  Everything happens for a reason.  Everything happens for a reason.

I'm still trying to find the reason for these damn blisters that have landed me in Pamplona for a few days to rest.  I walked on my tip toes for about 16 kilometers on Monday and slept at Trinidad de Arre, an ancient church and hospital that has been a pilgrims' albergue for over 1,000 years.  There are three retired monks who run it, and one of them bandaged my foot by candlelight when the power went out.  He assured me that one of my blisters was infected and that I had to go to the doctor the next day.

Yesterday Emily and I spent the first part of the afternoon at the doctor, where it was deemed that my blister was indeed infected and that I couldn't walk again until Thursday or later.  I had saved the left foot from infection because I had threaded that blister with a needle and thread, allowing it to stay open and begin to heal.  I'm kicking myself for not doing it to the right foot as well.  The blister is so deep that I cannot put any pressure on the heel when I walk.  

Everything happens for a reason.  Being stuck in Pamplona is wonderful!  I love the Camino and the people we have met so far, but I'm grateful for having the chance to explore this beautiful city.  Emily and I both love the old, winding streets with the colorful buildings and their beautiful balconies.  Last night, Hugo from Quebec cooked for us and tonight I made omelets.  It has been a necessary break from the Camino, but I'm anxious to start walking again.

Time for more wine.

Pamplona, Spain

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